Jupyter in the classroom

Earlier this year I learned about Jupyter, a web based ‘notebook’ editor that allows for both documentation and code. I soon found Jessica Hamrick’s post on rackspace describing her usage of Jupyter for a class she taught. This is what sparked my research into it, and my journey to attempt to incorporate it into the Computer Engineering Curiculum at RIT.

Building Kaldi on Windows: Part 1

This is a multi part series about building Kaldi on Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

UPDATE: I have submitted pull requests to update the build process for MSVS2015 and it is now in the master branch.

Speech Recognition

Like others, I have always been interested in adding speech recognition to my projects. When I first heard about CMU Sphinx or Julius I quickly jumped to learn them and integrate them into my project. It mostly lead to a fruitless result, mostly because I was young and ignorant, but partly because the tools were just not the most accurate.